Devotional: Week of August 4, 2014

Proverbs 22:6 – Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.

This verse fills me with hope for the future impact of my children. Our girls, though both under 3, have become active prayers. Our youngest has just recently joined in, but now when we pray at meals or at bedtime she quickly interlocks her fingers and joins us for prayer time. Our oldest leads the mealtime prayers for us, and she has recently started asking if we can pray for certain people, or for everybody, at random times throughout the day. This has been awesome to watch in our girls.

Now, through this verse, I can build on my hope for our girls’ future. I already expect great things from them, but now I feel more comfortable that they will be better able to handle themselves when great things come their way. And even if greatness doesn’t come, but instead despair finds their path. I know that they are growing roots with God, and will be able to lean on and call on Him when they are in need.

Prayer: God, thank you for giving Bettina and I our wonderful children. Please help us to continue to train them up right, so that they can know you better and hold close to your ways.

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